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Showing posts from December, 2018

Movie Review: Chappaquiddick

Chappaquiddick (2017) was released fifty years too late. That was my thought when I first sat down to watch this movie on Netflix and that was my thought when I finished it. I'm a millennial and I bet that the majority of Americans under the age of 40 (and maybe even under the age of fifty) have no idea what the Chappaquiddick Incident even was. If you were to ask someone what Chappaquiddick is they would probably reply with a shrug and say that it's some Native American term (it is, but that's besides the point). It's a shame that this incident isn't taught in history or political science classes. Chappaquiddick is one of the defining moments in American politics in the last fifty years. It laid bare the obvious fact that if one has the right amount of money, one has the right connections, and that one has the right last name  then you are essentially above the law. Chappaquiddick was directed by John Curan with a screenplay by Taylor Allen and Andrew Logan